Dancing Is… 2016-2017 students “…fun to do because you dance to a song” -Ella “…fun because I see my friends” -Emily “…fun because I get to wear costumes” -Sophie “…a way to forget about everything else!” -Selena “…fun and great” -Cheylynn “…a way of expressing yourself” -Marie “…fun because I can be myself” -Alyssa “…the greatest advantage to have” -Olivia “…fun, I like to twirl” -Lily “…inspiring to me!” -Madi “…fun because I like dancing” -Eve “…awesome” -Emily “…fun because you learn new things every year!” -Maddi “…amazing and cool” -Kaydence “…fun because you get to do running flaps” -Madison “…a fun way to express your creativity” -Myah “…a life changing experience!” -Abby “…fun because we get to have fun and dance” -Aila “…what I look forward to every week” -Grace “…my favorite sport, because it is amazing” -Olive “…very fun and I feel powerful when I dance!” -Teagan “…fun, I like shuffle hop step” -Madalynn “…amazing” -Hailee “…amazing because it is my passion and it makes me happy” -Emily “…fun” -Emmerson “…a good way to express yourself and learn new things.” -Taliya “…the best and gets me moving” -Haleigh “…fun and awesome” -Payten “…the best form of self expression” -Grace “…fun and great” -Bridgette “…fun because we dance” -Ella “…fun because I like ballet with all my friends.” -Vayda “…mousey because I get to dance with my best friend: Dudy the Mouse” -Julie “…good” -Zhoe “…fun and it keeps me busy” -Kaiti “…my passion” -Rosalind “…I like it and is fun” -Audrey “…life in everything” -Emaline “…fun and amazing” -Ella “…dancing makes Snow White cheer up” -Mia “…fun and inspiring and I have learned so much over the years. And I have been dancing for 4 years and I can’t wait to go to Blue Heat” -Aryanna “…creative way to express your emotions” -Mady “…fun” -Beckett “…awesome and fun!” -Molly “…our passion and we love learning how to break dance” -Rosalind, Camellia, Emily, Juniper “…fun and it is amazing to do” -Lily “…fun and awesome” -Libby “…passe” -Claire “…exciting and amazing” -Ava “…fun and very entertaining” -Nevaeh “…graceful” -Charlotte “…I like dancing.” -Tia “…awesome because you could do any dance you want and you could just be creative!!” -Lexie “…fun because I get to see my cousin” -Shelby “…magical” -Lizzie “…fun and stamps” -Gitta “…fun because I think one day I can be a dance teacher too” -Kayleigh “…fun” -Ellie “…fun” -Audrey “…fun and cool” -Ella “…amazing” -Charlotte “…is fun because you get exercise” -Elizabeth “…the jelly to my peanut butter sandwich!” -Ivy “…a sport” -Abby “…fun” -Grace “…fun and encouraging to do ATD/dance” -Avery “…fun for kids to showcase moves.” -Tessa “…fun” -Kaiya “…fun” -Ellie “…fun an energetic” -Macie “…I like ballet” -Ellery “…a great way to express yourself” -Mataya “…my favorite” -Jordan “…fun and I like jumping!” -Ethereal “…I like jazz the best” -Emily “…fun, I like to do the splits” -Kit “…fun because you get to exercise” -Madalyn “…the greatest part of my life” -Olivia “…not just a hobby it is my passion, my home and my outlet” -Jessica “…fun” -Mylee “…fun” -Lillian “…very fun with all of the fun moves and dances” -Olivia “…fun, I like to twirl” -Jersey “…the highlight of my childhood (life thus far)” -Sarah “…my best friend” -Kaylynn “…fun because I can make friends.” -Tristan “…awesome” -Jillian “…I dance because it is fun, good exercise and I love to dance!” -Emma “…I like ballet” -Jules “…because it is so fun this year” -Jordan “…an art and I wouldn’t be me without it!” -Rachel “…fun” -Payton “…arabesque” -Harper “…fun because I learn different dance moves” -Claire “…passe” -Sophie “…I like the recital dance” -Jessa “…fun, I like to jump” -Anna “…fun” -Abbi “…fun for me when I am bored” -Lily “…fun” -Kamille “…like dreaming with your feet!!!” -Taylor “…expressing yourself without using words” -Olivia “…I like dancing” -Cyan “…awesome and fun” -Clara “…phenomenal, fun my favorite move is all moves that’s why dancing is the best.” -Sheridan “…fun is dancing” -Ella “…my favorite” -Rowan “…where I make friends” -Lucy “…playing” -Ceci “…fun I like coffee grinders” -EmmyLou “…fun because I love arabesque!” -Miranda “…more than just a hobby” -Olivia “…fun” -Casey “…fun and exciting because you can always learn new things” -Kennedy “…fun” -Harper “…everything to me because it’s really fun” -Aliyah “…awesome” -Liam “…fun and I like plie” -Adele “…by doing dance recital” -Lillian “…fantastic, unique, neat” -Grace “…fabulous because I get to do my solo and it challenges me” -Gabbie “…fun” -Tinly “…fun” -Elizabeth “…fun and amazing” -Ciara “…an experience” -Lydia “…fun!” -Lilah “…fun” -London “…basically my whole life” -Kyndal “…awesome!” -Sarah “…fun” -Emi “…fun” -Morganne “…letting your dreams run wild” -Emma “…fun” -Bella Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter