All That Dance will celebrate 25 years in business in the year 2026! We were able to have a fireworks show for our 20th year and we would love to celebrate with an even bigger fireworks show after the recital in 2026. Let’s make it happen!
tentative show date:
Sunday, May 31st, 2026 at Lake Storey
Thank you in advance for your support!
Click here to donate
Ways to shop with us
A great local dancewear store at the Metro Centre in Peoria (where we recommend students be fit for pointe shoes as well) Visit their website for more information
An online store featuring several dancewear options that are great for class (ATD benefits from sales as well)
Our favorite local print shop located in Kewanee, IL who also offers online stores with ATD and Blue Heat merchandise (usually open 4x a year) Links will be shared here when the store is open
Our last store closed on January 19th, 2025. Look for our next store in April!
use our studio code TP27112 for 8% off your first online order!
Resources & Local businesses
Dickerson’s Photography has been taking our recital pictures for years – check out his website here
Our favorite locally owned and operated insurance and investment agency! Check out their website
Dena helped us find our new home on Kellogg Street – she’s great!
Our Scentsy rep!
District #205 website
Visit the chamber
A great resource when bad weather hits!
Fun sites
Want to join the run? You can register here:
Want to look up specific dance steps? Check out this website!
Dance magazine
Dance Spirit magazine