Please be advised of the following:
1. please dress your children in tights and leotards (or other tight fitting clothing) so costumes can be easily tried on OVER their clothes. We need to get the best idea of how the costumes fit and it’s easier to slip them over a leotard or tank top & leggings or shorts rather than trying to stuff bulky clothing in or ask the student to strip down to their undies 🙂 we will NOT be allowing them to go one at a time to the bathroom (with the exception of boys); we’ll be using the dance room as our giant dressing room so we can help as needed and costume pieces aren’t lost (and if there’s a problem we can hopefully fix it promptly) Please note that costumes are not returnable but may be exchanged if needed (some require an additional fee) so we need to do this ASAP.
2. the teachers and helpers will dress the students as to avoid loss of essential pieces and so we can explain what’s included and how to wear the costume or if any adjustments will need to be made (sometimes straps need attached or shortened, etc., usually very minor things) THEN we’ll come to the lobby to show the parents as soon as all students have their costumes on and ready. We will also take pictures to send to families so those who aren’t in the lobby can still see the costumes.
3. costumes will NOT be sent home with children until the first week of May
4. if your child isn’t in class this week, we’ll hold his/her costume for them to try the following week
We do our best to make sure costume week goes smoothly but usually the entire class time is spent putting costumes on, running the dance a time or two, then taking them off so we can be sure everything is in the proper bag and folded as neatly as possible until it’s time to send the costumes home
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!
Hey all,
If you’re receiving this email it’s because I would love to have your tap student(s) participate in this year’s finale in the recital. (5th-HS tap students & staff)
*NEW* this year we’re hoping to add 3rd-4th grade tappers and TNTs as well!
I’m currently still thinking through rehearsals/songs/costumes, etc. In years past we’ve had rehearsals on Saturdays following classes that day. However, this year there are no Saturday classes so I’m trying to figure out when it will be the most convenient for everyone.
Usually, rehearsals do not begin until March but this year we may start sooner and learn choreography during tap classes.
rehearsal time considerations:
-during regular tap classes (the way we’ll start)
-Tuesdays 4:30-5pm
-Thursdays 4:30-5pm
-Sundays 9:30-10am prior to Blue Heat rehearsal
or possibly less rehearsals for longer time limits each time
There will be a $30 fee included in your recital costume invoice to cover the cost of this year’s costume. Students may need to provide their own black tank tops OR black dance pants (it depends on the costume chosen)
Please let me know if your student is NOT interested in participating otherwise I’ll continue with costume invoicing as planned and have those invoices posted, hopefully, by Nov. 21st.
Staff & TNTs: I’ll work with you to find a good time to work on finale and opening (opening is officially staff/TNTs but I’d love to have the TNTs with us in the finale as well!)
Students invited:
Thursday 5th-8th tap class
Wednesday HS tap class
Tuesday 3rd-4th tap class
Thank you for your prompt feedback & consideration!
A few reminders: Recital costume totals will be posted to accounts between now and December 20th. The full costume amount (for all students on your account) will be posted and any credits applied (fundraiser or otherwise) at the same time. Fundraiser credits will be posted to accounts between now and November 21st. Thank you in advance for your patience, these are time consuming processes. The nonrefundable $30 deposit is due by November 21st or costumes will not be ordered. (This fee is per family, not per child or per class and will not appear as a separate charge. Any payments/credits made will be applied to the full costume total that is posted) Of course, you may pay the full costume balance when it’s posted; just know it’s not fully due to be paid in full until January 31st, 2025. **The non-refundable costume deposit is due prior to Thanksgiving break this year because, due to some ship dates on costumes, we need to order costumes sooner rather than later. In years past we’ve ordered costumes over winter break but we found out by ordering earlier last year we didn’t have as many issues with costumes arriving late which also gave us more time to handle exchanges. Full costume balances are due, paid in full, by January 31st, 2025. Yes, you can put your costume balance & tuition in the same check, just please make note of what you’re paying. — We’ll be measuring students for costumes starting November 11th and will take care of this during regular classes. If your student misses classes prior to Thanksgiving break, please email us his/her bust, waist, hip and girth measurements. We’ll be showing pictures of recital costumes in December and we’ll also be uploading those pics to our ATD website (not GoMotion). Once we have recital music edited, those songs will also be posted on our website. — Jumpy Monkey orders will be at the studio for pick up November 11th – 14th (all orders will be available starting Monday, November 11th) Scentsy orders are scheduled to be at the studio for pick up November 18th – 21st and will only be brought in one day at a time. For example, if you don’t attend class until Wednesday, your Scentsy order won’t be at the studio until November 20th. Since the Scentsy orders usually take up a lot more room in our entryway than the coffee orders, we kindly ask you to make sure to take your coffee orders home with you prior to November 18th.
Studio open hours are as follows: Monday: 3:30pm – 9:00pm Tuesday: 11:00am – 12:30pm and 4:30pm – 8:00pm Wednesday: 4:00pm – 8:30pm Thursday: 4:30pm – 8:00pm Friday/Saturday/Sunday: closed unless otherwise stated
Studio closed November 25th – December 1st for Thanksgiving break.
Thank you! Don’t forget to check our website (the News page is updated most) for lots of information! ~Lindsay |
Hi everyone!
I received an email from Lindsay Bailey noting that adjusted the sales tax on the packet information but she inadvertently forgot to change the sales tax rate on the order forms.
Please use the correct 9% when calculating sales tax for your orders.
(reminder: there is no sales tax for the Jumpy Monkey orders)
Don’t forget to email us if/when online orders are placed so we know who receives credit. I know there are a couple coffee orders without students names attached (Michelle Young and Sandra Weidner) so if you know who those orders should be credited to, please let me know.
I did verify that there is a place on the online Jumpy Monkey form to enter a student’s name (on the checkout page I believe)
thank you!
Hi everyone,
Just a quick note reminding you that starting today, September 30th, we will have the Scentsy and Jumpy Monkey Coffee fundraiser forms available at the front desk. Please only take them if you plan on participating (one per family until we’re sure everyone has one) and feel free to make copies or attach additional pages for more orders.
Fundraiser participation is not required.
Dancers receive 25% and it will be applied as follows:
1st – to each family’s $30 non-refundable costume deposit for recital (due by Dec. 19th)
2nd – to the remaining costume balance (due by Jan. 31st) *per our policies & curriculum: recital costumes range in price from $45-$85 each
3rd – to any other fees payable to ATD (or, Blue Heat girls can request it be used for those fees)
Orders AND PAYMENTS are due back to the studio the week of October 14th – 17th.
PLEASE NO LATE ORDERS! And keep the orders and payments SEPARATE.
Payments for Jumpy Monkey are to be made to All That Dance
Payments for Scentsy are to be made to Lindsay Bailey (and keep in mind, Lindsay Bailey is not Miss Lindsay at the studio) so any questions regarding Scentsy should be directed to Lindsay Bailey – her name/contact info is included all over the Scentsy catalog/etc.
Orders will arrive the week before Thanksgiving (usually coffee is first)
We do offer online ordering but please note that it’s best if you order from current dance students and pick up your orders at the studio to avoid extra shipping & handling fees if possible. Also – you MUST email us to let us know when you place an online order for either fundraiser or we won’t know who receives the credit.
SCENTSY: https://lindsayscents.scentsy.
JUMPY MONKEY: https://jumpymonkey.com/
Please review additional comments from Lindsay Bailey (Scentsy):
1. Any online orders must be placed under the fundraiser “party” and you MUST email Lindsay Bailey which student should receive the credit
1. If scents are ordered that are retired or otherwise unavailable, a comparable alternate scent will be ordered.
2. Please put your name on every order form turned in, front and back. Thank you!!
3. PLEASE read the letter that is enclosed in the packet. I know it is lengthy, but there is a lot of helpful information that will make your job, and mine, much easier! 6. THANK YOU!!
Thanks, everyone! Happy fundraising!